Transaction Query Language (TQL)

The Transaction Query Language allows one to filter transactions using different modifiers.

Some modifiers support multiple comma-separated values.

Multiple modifiers in one query are supported, e.g. is:capture date:yesterday country:DK,SE.

A bad request will be returned for unknown modifiers or invalid input.

Transaction type

query Will search for…
is:authorization authorizations
is:capture captures
is:refund refunds
is:void voids
is:credit credits
is:debit debits
is:capture,refund captures and refunds

Status code

query Will search for…
status:approved approved transactions
status:declined declined transactions (any code that is not 20000)
status:40410 transactions with status code 40410
status:40413,40414 transactions with status code 40413 or 40414

See status codes for more information.


query Will search for…
max:200 transactions with amounts smaller than or equal to 200
min:100.50 transactions with amounts bigger than or equal to 100.50
amount:<=20 transactions with amounts smaller than or equal to 20
amount:*..20 transactions with amounts smaller than or equal to 20
amount:20..80 transactions with amounts between 20 and 80 (inclusive)
amount:100.50 transactions with the exact amount of 100.50


Query Will search for…
currency:DKK transactions in currency DKK
currency:NOK,SEK,EUR transactions in currency NOK, SEK or EUR


Query Will search for…
date:today transactions that occurred today
date:yesterday transactions that occurred yesterday
date:last_week transactions that occurred last week
date:last_month transactions that occurred last month
date:last_year transactions that occurred last year
date:this_week transactions that occurred from the beginning of this week until now
date:this_month transactions that occurred from the beginning of this month until now
date:this_year transactions that occurred from the beginning of this year until now
date:>=2016-01-20 transactions that occurred after or during January 20th, 2016
date:>2016-01-20 transactions that occurred after January 20th, 2016
date:<=2016-01-20 transactions that occurred before or during January 20th, 2016
date:<2016-01-20 transactions that occurred before January 20th, 2016
date:*..2016-01-20 transactions that occurred before or during January 20th, 2016
date:2016-01-20..* transactions that occurred after or during January 20th, 2016
date:2016-01-18..2016-01-20 transactions that occurred after or during January 18th and before or during January 20th, 2016


The date modifier supports ISO 8601-like formatted date and time elements.

Query Will search for…
date:<2016-01-20T13:00 transactions that occurred before 13:00:00 UTC on January 20th, 2016
date:*..2016-01-20T13:00 transactions that occurred before or at 13:00:00 UTC on January 20th, 2016
date:2016-01-19T11:00..2016-01-19T13:00 transactions that occurred after or at 11:00:00 and before or at 13:00:00 UTC on January 19th, 2016


Query Will search for…
last4:1122 transactions with last4 equal to 1122
last4:1122,1234 transactions with last4 equal to 1122 or 1234
bin:411111 transactions with bin equal to 411111
bin:411111,424242 transactions with bin equal to 411111 or 424242
scheme:visa transactions made with a Visa card
scheme:mastercard transactions made with a Mastercard card
type:debit transactions made with a debit card
type:credit transactions made with a credit card
country:DE transactions made with a card issued in Germany
country:SE transactions made with a card issued in Sweden
country:DK,GB transactions made with a card issued in Denmark or United Kingdom

Payment method

Query Will search for…
method:applepay transactions made with Apple Pay
method:mobilepayonline transactions made with MobilePay Online
method:samsungpay transactions made with Samsung Pay
method:googlepay transactions made with Google Pay
method:vipps transactions made with Vipps
method:moto transactions made with Mail Order / Telephone Order
method:applepay,mobilepayonline transactions made with Apple Pay or MobilePay Online
method:token transactions made with a token

Text on statement

Also known as descriptor.

Query Will search for… transactions with descriptor
descriptor:"Company Ltd" transactions with descriptor "Company Ltd"

Merchant ID

Also known as account number or MID.

Query Will search for…
merchant_id:3000001 transactions made with merchant ID 3000001
mid:3000001 transactions made with merchant ID 3000001
mid:3000001,3000002 transactions made with merchant ID 3000001 or 3000002


Query Will search for…
id:a51a3abe-8eee-4a92-b941-e89f18c5bf66 transaction with id a51a3abe-8eee-4a92-b941-e89f18c5bf66
arn:76874308121337230471105 transaction with arn 76874308121337230471105
rrn:619811057524 transactions with rrn 619811057524
reference:abc123 transactions with reference abc123


Query Will search for…
flag:recurring recurring transactions
flag:r idem
flag:3dsecure transactions with attempted or full 3DSecure
flag:3ds idem
flag:3d idem
flag:fraud transactions marked as fraudulent
flag:f idem
flag:f,r recurring transactions marked as fraudulent


Fraud information is collected from TC40/SAFE data.

Query Will search for… transactions marked as fraudulent today transactions marked as fraudulent yesterday transactions marked as fraudulent last week…1 transactions marked as fraudulent …
Please refer to Date modifier for all supported values.
Query Will search for…
flag:fraud transactions marked as fraudulent
flag:f idem
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